Sunday, August 22, 2010


There are various facts which were striking and surprising me when I was learning this course, especially in the area of cognitive information processing, constructivism, connectivism and adult learning. I had a basic knowledge of each of the theories but a lot of new information was added to my previous knowledge. Let me explain briefly the most striking and surprising areas.
Considering the Levels-of-processing model, that is a view that the level of processing conceptualizes memory according to the type rather than location of processing that information reviews (Ormrod, 2009). Although there is a similarity in processing in a Dual code system model and the levels-of-processing model , there are differences for example, the levels–of –processing model does not make a sequential assumption. These have different views that explain how the type of processing affects the memory. Not only this, but even my knowledge on cognitive learning further improved by Attention Theories. Attention is a prerequisite of individual’s learning and it helps to understand people’s learning processes. Principles of organizing information and influences on encoding, further improved my knowledge on how the information was subjected to process during learning. Storage process also is an interesting part, with which I was not much familiar. Conditional knowledge with declarative and procedural knowledge provides me an idea about how knowledge processing occurs during learning in different situations. For example, the procedural knowledge processing takes place during learning tasks such as summarizing information, skimming a passage and solving a mathematics problem etc. Memory retrieval is another area of cognitive processing where I have not gained sufficient knowledge earlier. I didn’t have a clear notion of the variables that influence on metacognition and now I can identify how metacognition varies among individuals. Problem solving was a very important and interesting area. I can understand how different students/learners learn by different problem solving strategies. My knowledge on the perspective of constructivism widened with the understanding that concepts such as ZPD and Scaffolding. Three types of perspectives (Exogenous, Endogenous and Dialectical) help me to identify different types of knowledge construction in learners. Although I have become already aware of learner-centered education, the APA learner-centered principle sharpened my knowledge. Connectivism is actually a new perspective to us and when I develop a by connecting different sources of information and using different technology. As an adult I am very much attracted towards adult learning theories and I was able to understand possible different learning methods which stimulated me for further learning. I became familiarized with ARCS model and learned how a learner could be motivated.

When I was studying the learning theories, it made me think about my learning process. With the knowledge of information encoding and retrieval and factors that influence on them I was able to understand how I am used to remember the things and memorize. How to store declarative knowledge (facts, beliefs, opinions, generalizations, theories, hypotheses, world events etc) and procedural knowledge (solve mathematical problems, summarize information, perform laboratory techniques etc.). Knowledge on connectivism drives me to access different sources of information and use effective technology to strengthen my network of learning. I identify my intelligence and I understand my learning preferences and with this understanding I can improve my learning. For example, when the learning content is difficult and heavy, I can select a way or tools appropriate to my learning style. I can improve my learning by changing ineffective habits of learning into effective learning style. The self-regulation of my learning can be motivated with the knowledge gained by ARCS model. Different types of adult learning theories provided me with ideas of further studies.

Learning theory is a discipline of psychology that attempts to explain how an organism learns. The theory of learning styles states that people have different approaches to learning and studying. (Gilbert J.E). This emphasizes the fact that individuals perceive and process information in very different ways.
Many learning theories focus on learning styles, most of which are personality driven, sensory-dominant or experientially oriented (Loewn .S). Motivation is an internal state that arouses us to action, pushes us in particular direction and keeps us engaged in certain activities. Even if we are capable of learning something, motivation determines whether and to what extent we learn it, especially if the behaviors and cognitive processes necessary for learning are voluntary and under control. Once we have learned how to do something, motivation is in large part responsible for whether we continue to do it. Motivation influences behavior, cognition and learning. Research shows that motivational processes are key elements in self-regulation (Cognitive information processing model of self-regulation) (Ormrod, 2009). Identifying learning styles and adapting lessons can motivate students to succeed. Technology can be used as a media to deliver learning according to learning theories and learning styles. It makes learning more effective and attractive. Technology can motivate the learner.

These theories provide us some consistent ways of looking at classroom practice. Being a curriculum developer and teacher trainer in the school system, this knowledge provides me some guidance in making decisions about curriculum and teaching strategies. Knowing that events in the classrooms are influenced by many different variables and no single theory explains how they will all come together under different circumstances I prefer some blended learning environments. I will be able to design model activities for classroom teaching–learning process, which should be included in teacher’s instruction manual. I can guide the teacher to consider the various sources of knowledge and theory that exist, take into account the very specific classroom situation and students they face, and determine when and how theory should be put in to practice. Also I will be able to provide some insights to help a teacher determine what could be going on with students and how the teacher might plan the next lesson. In that way, my talents in curriculum development will also improve and I would train teachers, designing effective instructions for them as well. Technology can be integrated to instructions. For example ‘Edutopia’ a wonderful educational web site which stimulated me to familiarize with various software and simulations and it motivated me to prepare such interactive materials for students. Truly speaking, according to my past experiences, we have not so far developed curriculum or trained teachers focusing or taking into consideration of these theories. Therefore this knowledge is so much valuable for me for future developments.

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